Run Analysis

Dinamic have more than 12 years of experience in helping athletes improve their efficiency in the run.

What can I expect from Dinamic Run Analysis?

Step one of our Dinamic Run Analysis is where we find out more about you.

We start with a discussion with the athlete about their training history, their goals, a review of any  historical injuries and also any current issues or injuries.

Step Two in the Dinamic Run Analysis is to capture information about the athlete while they run at a variety of paces.

We do this in multiple ways:-

  1. By eye, there is an advantage in having experience on your side it allows you to see a holistic picture and not risk getting swamped by data.
  2. We use video  from the side and the rear which we will later assess with the help of  video annotation software which allows us to slow down, measure and compare the motion of the runner.
  3. We measure movement and angles on  five state of the art motion sensors with which we can evaluate and compare seven different motion performance indicators.

Step Three follows on from the run section and here we do a functional movement screening test to identify limitations and discrepancies in the athletes. The Functional Movement Analysis is a practical assessment tool consisting of a series of functional movements that allow us to identify compensations or dysfunction in movement, muscle activation, and firing sequences of the neuromuscular system.

Step Four is where we test for range of motion in four key areas to gain a clear image of the individual and the way they are likely to move.

How long will the Run Analysis take?

This whole process takes between 60 – 90 min.

When will I get my Run Analysis results?

Following on from the appointment we collate all the information and generate a comprehensive report (normally 25 – 36 pages ) with images and comments and ending with recommendations and specific instructions as to what can be done to make improvements.  This report is discussed with the athlete via Zoom in a scheduled 45 min call.

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